Ms Mohammed’s new single ‘Alibi’ sends a clear a message to those who seek to oppress us. It’s a timely and important song for a “woke” generation.

Rhythmic drums kick start the track like a distant carnival procession proceeding the imminent arrival of a chorus of other worldly goddesses. Ms Mohammed’s low, understated vocals contain an inner power to be reckoned with. A force that has had enough of the status quo and is heralding in a new era. Past wrongs will be given their due comeuppance and the oppressed will no longer be mistreated!

Being a punk of South Asian decent and hailing from the island of Trinidad, Ms Mohammed (formally performing as Dana Jade) manages to expertly fuse her cultures and influences to create a unique and fresh sound that is unmistakably hers.  I mean, when was the last time you heard a tune with dhol drums played in a soca rhythm, tied together by scuzzy blues guitars? I’ll wait…!

Click below to see the video to Ms Mohammed’s new single ‘Alibi’

When I think of Ms Mohammed, I can’t help but imagine the Riot Grrrl anthem ‘Rebel Girl’ by Bikini Kill. If I were to have written that song, I surely would’ve had Ms Mohammed in mind.

To me she is someone who embodies creativity, confidence, sexuality, strength, and is unapologetic in her womanhood. Everything I look up to and everything I love in a front woman.

So it’s no surprise that with Ms Mohammed’s new single Alibi, all of those qualities come bursting through my speakers, and when she talks, I hear the revolution!

You can purchase ‘Alibi’ from Ms Mohammed’s bandcamp!





Post Author: NatTuneful

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