I’d like to shine my Tuneful TV spotlight on new comer, CAiiNE. But first let me backtrack a bit!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d notice that singing competitions are everywhere on the telly. The X Factor and The Voice to name the most popular, and if you watch these shows, you might be mistaken in thinking (especially when it comes to female singers) that the higher you can sing, the better singer you are.
Time and time again I’ve seen contestants shout and (and occasionally screech) their way through their auditions with the intention of “showing what they can do”. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it really works and it’s delightful to listen to, but sometimes it doesn’t and I end up wishing they’d just stay within their comfort zone or at least adhere to the ‘less is more’ school of thought.
I watch a LOT of auditions! See my reviews/reactions here!!
I mention this because this year, a contestant on The Voice UK really caught my attention. It was for many reasons (brilliant song choice, excellent delivery, modelesque in stature and beauty) but mostly because of her flawless low resonating voice. After a sea of saccharine sopranos, she was the breath of fresh air we didn’t realise we needed.
Her name was Zara Okoro. Unfortunately Zara did not get a turn from the coaches after her impeccable performance of Pearl Jam’s, ‘Still Alive’, and to this day it will always be a travesty to me. Check out my reaction below:
Back with a bang!
Thankfully Zara didn’t let this minor set back stop her from continuing to make music. She is back and has released two new singles under the name ‘Caiine’.

The first is ‘Drifted Away’, a mid-tempo piano number with a deliciously catchy chorus that has a hint of a sixties Mowtown meets Burt Bacharach vibe to it.
The second single, ‘Time To Recuperate’, really shows off Caiine’s lower register and tender side to her voice.
Both songs have absolutely beautiful melodies and reveal a songwriting craftsmanship way beyond her 18 years of age. I mean, if Caiine is starting out this good, how incredible is she going to be in the next few years?!!
Make sure you check out Caiine and support her music, especially for fans of Nina Simone and Tracy Chapman!
Ep 1: Kat Anderson Interview – Tuneful Radio
(13th August 2019 - 2:50 pm)[…] Check out my original spotlight of Caiine over on my blog, Tuneful TV. […]